Pentathlon Canada Commitment to Equine Welfare
Pentathlon Canada athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and horses have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive environment free of abuse, harassment, or discrimination. Pentathlon Canada believes strongly that the welfare of both people and horses involved in the sport is a foremost consideration. The welfare and safety of horses is a core value of Pentathlon Canada.
International riding competition rules state that abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. To go a step further, Pentathlon Canada has committed to developing a horse welfare policy that clearly defines abuse, provides protocols for removing horses from the competition when they are physically or mentally incapable of performing and provides disciplinary measures for policy and protocol breaches.
Pentathlon Canada is committed to working with the UIPM, the international governing body for the sport of Modern Pentathlon, to advocate for changes to competition rules that increase horse and athlete safety.